I watched David Lynch's Lost Highway last weekend. . I think the film is about the psychological transformation of a man whose jealousy leads him to kill his wife, though this could all be in his mind, i THINK.

The only way I manage to even make sense of the story now is to let go of conventional narrative, and think of it as a dreamlike sequence or nightmare you might have. Just snippets of time, places and people who transform into other people for no apparent reason. Its insane, brilliant, and noisy! While I was prepared for the visual masterpiece it demonstrated,(the lighting, the darkness, the colour), I was surprised by the intensity of the sound; it heightened the whole feeling of uneasiness in the film, and put you on edge right down to the last minute.

It is surreal, and wrong and confusing to say the least,
The first lynch film I've seen, and definitely not the last.

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