Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rosemarie Fiore 'Bonus Round Exposure'

Caputuring the whole duration of gameplay. One of those 'I wish I had thought of it first' ideas.

"These photographs are long exposures taken while playing video war games of the 80's created by Atari, Centuri and Taito. The photographs were shot from video game screens while I played the games. By recording each second of an entire game on one frame of film, I captured complex patterns not normally seen by the eye." -Rosemaire Fiore

"Tempest 1" 2001 digital c print 4 ft x 6 ft

"Quantum 2' 2002 digital c print 36 in x 40 in

"Gyruss 1" 2001 digital Lamda print 30 in X 30 in

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