Monday, October 12, 2009

Xia Xiaowan - 3D Artworks

Xia Xiaowan moves beyond the traditional boundaries of painting and establishes a new way of looking by giving two dimensional painting a three-dimensional effect. The audience is encouraged to view the artwork from different perspectives, moving around it. His work intergrates sculpture, painting. photography and a kind of x-ray medical technology.

In terms of my own work, it is good to discover an artist using transparent layering as a way to push the boundaries of 3D still imagery. The way he uses heavy glass panels is also interesting and something I am considering.

PhotoSketch - Internet Image Montage

A program created by students in China and Singapore, PhotoSketch allows you to create photomontages from simple line drawings. Using internet image data, it selects the best fit images which match your scribble to compose your final photograph.
This is truely something - it further questions our understanding of truth in a photograph as well as highlighting authorship and copyright issues.

Sketch2Photo: Internet Image Montage from Tao Chen on Vimeo.

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